
Understanding The Anatomy And Function Of Bearded Dragon Ears

Wondering about bearded dragon ears? Check out our most recent post to learn more about their anatomy and the role they play in their hearing.

Bearded dragons are fascinating creatures that, despite their reptilian appearance, have many features similar to mammals. One of these features is their ears, which are surprisingly sensitive and can be used for a variety of purposes. In this article, we will discuss the anatomy and function of bearded dragon ears, as well as how to care for them properly. We will answer questions such as: What should a bearded dragon ear look like? Do bearded dragons need to have their ears cleaned? Do bearded dragons ears get clogged? How sensitive are bearded dragon ears? Read on to learn more about these remarkable creatures and their amazing ears!

bearded dragon ears

What should a Bearded Dragon Ear Look Like?

Bearded dragons have two small ear openings located on the sides of their head, just behind their eyes. These ears are small and hard to see, but they are very important for the bearded dragon’s hearing. The ears should be free from any kind of debris or infection. They should also be free from any kind of wax buildup or other signs of infection.

Ear Color

The ear color of a bearded dragon can vary depending on its age and genetics. In general, a healthy adult bearded dragon will have dark brown or black ears that blend in with the rest of its body color. Younger bearded dragons may have lighter colored ears that gradually darken as they age.

Ear Shape

Bearded dragons have oval-shaped ears that are slightly pointed at the tips. The inner part of the ear is slightly concave and should be free from any kind of deformity or injury. The outer part of the ear should be symmetrical and not appear swollen or discolored.

Signs of Infection

If your bearded dragon’s ears appear red, swollen, or crusty, it could be a sign of an infection or mite infestation. If you notice any signs of infection in your bearded dragon’s ears, it is important to take them to a veterinarian for treatment as soon as possible.

Do Bearded Dragons Need to Have Their Ears Cleaned?

Bearded dragons, like many other reptiles, have external ears. These ears are located on either side of their head, just behind the eyes. While they do not need to have their ears cleaned in the same way that mammals do, it is important to keep them clean and free of debris. This can be done by gently wiping them with a damp cloth or cotton swab.

Signs of Ear Infection

It is important to monitor your bearded dragon’s ears for signs of infection. These may include redness, swelling, discharge, or an unpleasant odor. If you notice any of these symptoms, it is best to take your pet to the veterinarian for a checkup.

Preventative Care

In addition to cleaning your bearded dragon’s ears regularly, there are some other steps you can take to help prevent ear infections. Be sure to provide your pet with a clean and comfortable environment, as well as plenty of fresh water and nutritious food. Additionally, avoid exposing them to extreme temperatures or humidity levels.


In conclusion, while bearded dragons do not need their ears cleaned in the same way that mammals do, it is still important to keep them clean and free of debris. If you notice any signs of infection or irritation in your pet’s ears, be sure to take them to the vet for a checkup right away. Additionally, be sure to provide your pet with a clean and comfortable environment as well as plenty of fresh water and nutritious food.

Do Bearded Dragons Ears Get Clogged?

Bearded dragons are a species of lizards that have ears, although they are not as visible as other animals. The ears are located on the sides of the head and are covered by scales. The ears of bearded dragons can get clogged with dirt, dust, and debris, just like any other animal’s ears. This can cause hearing problems and discomfort for the animal. To prevent ear clogs, it is important to keep the bearded dragon’s habitat clean and free of debris. Additionally, regular ear cleaning with a damp cloth or cotton swab can help keep the ears clear.

Signs of Ear Clogs in Bearded Dragons

One sign that a bearded dragon’s ears may be clogged is if it does not respond to sound or if it appears to be uncoordinated when moving around its habitat. Additionally, if the bearded dragon tilts its head to one side or shakes its head frequently, this could be an indication of an ear problem. If you suspect that your bearded dragon has an ear issue, it is important to take it to a veterinarian for evaluation and treatment.

Cleaning Bearded Dragon Ears

When cleaning a bearded dragon’s ears, it is important to use a damp cloth or cotton swab and avoid using anything sharp or abrasive which could damage the delicate skin inside the ear canal. Gently wipe away any dirt or debris from the inside and outside of the ear canal. Additionally, some veterinarians recommend using mineral oil in order to soften any wax buildup in the ear canal before wiping it away with a damp cloth (PetMD). It is also important to avoid getting water inside the ear canal as this can lead to infections and other complications.

Overall, bearded dragons do have ears which can get clogged with dirt and debris just like any other animal’s ears. Signs of ear clogs include not responding to sound or appearing uncoordinated when moving around its habitat. To prevent ear clogs, it is important to keep their habitat clean and free of debris as well as regularly clean their ears with a damp cloth or cotton swab.

How Sensitive are Bearded Dragon Ears?

Bearded dragons have two small openings on either side of their head that are used for hearing. These openings are referred to as ear openings, and they are located just behind the eyes. While these ear openings may look like ears, they are not actually ears in the traditional sense. Instead, they are simply holes that allow sound to enter the bearded dragon’s head.

Bearded dragons do not have external ears like humans or other animals, so it is difficult to tell how sensitive their hearing is. However, research has shown that bearded dragons can detect sound frequencies between 500 and 2000 Hz, which is similar to the range of human hearing. This means that bearded dragons can hear many of the same sounds as humans, including speech and music.

Hearing Range

Bearded dragons have a relatively limited range of hearing compared to other animals. They cannot hear very low or very high frequencies, so they may not be able to hear some noises that other animals can detect. Additionally, bearded dragons may be more sensitive to certain types of sounds than others. For example, they may be more likely to respond to loud noises such as thunder or gunshots than softer noises such as whispers or birds chirping.

Sensitivity to Sound

Bearded dragons also appear to be more sensitive to certain types of sounds than others. Research suggests that bearded dragons are particularly sensitive to vibrations in the ground caused by footsteps or other movements, which may help them detect predators before they can see them. Additionally, bearded dragons may be able to detect changes in air pressure caused by approaching storms or other weather events.

Overall, while we don’t know exactly how sensitive bearded dragon ears are compared to other animals, it is clear that they have a limited range of hearing and are particularly sensitive to certain types of sounds.

Closing Thoughts

Bearded dragon ears are an important part of their anatomy and should be taken care of properly. We discussed what a healthy bearded dragon ear should look like, how to clean them, and how sensitive they are. We also discussed the signs of an unhealthy ear and what to do if your bearded dragon’s ears get clogged.

It is important to keep an eye on your bearded dragon’s ears and take any necessary steps to ensure that they remain healthy. Be sure to check for signs of infection or irritation and contact your veterinarian if you have any questions or concerns about your pet’s health.

We hope this article has been helpful in educating you about bearded dragon ears and their care. Thank you for following along with us! If you have any thoughts or information on the topic of bearded dragon ears, please share them in the comments below.

Nicholas English

Nicholas English is a professional writer and lifelong pet lover. After completing his Animal Sciences bachelor's degree, Nickolas has worked as a pet sitter, dog walker, and volunteer at animal shelters. He is passionate about helping pet owners provide the best care for their furry friends and is excited to share his knowledge and experiences with the Pet Expert Advice community.

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