
Why Do Cats Attack Pregnant Women?

Wondering about why do cats attack pregnant women? Check out our most recent post to learn more about the potential causes and possible solutions.

Do cats become aggressive when their owner is pregnant? Does a cat’s behavior change when a woman is expecting? Are there any risks associated with a pregnant woman being around cats? These are questions many soon-to-be moms have asked, and the answer may surprise you. In this article, we’ll discuss why cats attack pregnant women, how cats act when a woman is expecting, and what to do if a cat bites a pregnant woman. We’ll also explore whether cats can sense pregnancy and how to keep both mom and baby safe during this special time.

why do cats attack pregnant women

Do Cats Get Aggressive When Owner is Pregnant?

When it comes to cats, it is possible for them to become aggressive towards their owners when they are pregnant. According to the article from Mid Atlantic Cat Hospital, cats can become more aggressive when their owner is pregnant due to the hormonal changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman. This can cause the cat to feel threatened and may lead to increased aggression. Additionally, cats may become more territorial and protective of their space as the baby grows in the womb.

The article from Winchester Hospital also states that cats may become more aggressive when their owner is pregnant because they are trying to protect their territory and resources. Cats may also be reacting to the changes in their environment as the pregnancy progresses, such as changes in routine or new people entering the home. As a result, it is important for owners to be aware of these potential changes and take steps to ensure that their cat’s behavior does not become too aggressive.

Managing Aggression

In order to manage any potential aggression from a cat, it is important for owners to provide them with plenty of attention, exercise, and playtime. Additionally, providing cats with scratching posts and other toys can help keep them occupied and reduce any feelings of aggression or territoriality. It is also important for owners to be aware of any changes in their cat’s behavior and address them immediately if necessary.


Overall, cats can get aggressive when their owner is pregnant due to hormonal changes in the body and environmental changes that occur during pregnancy. It is important for owners to be aware of this potential behavior change and take steps to manage it appropriately in order to ensure that both the cat and its owner remain safe throughout the pregnancy.

Why Can’t Pregnant Women Go Near Cats?

Pregnant women are often advised to avoid contact with cats, as there is a risk of contracting toxoplasmosis, a parasitic infection. Toxoplasmosis can be transmitted through contact with cat feces and can cause serious health complications for pregnant women and their unborn babies.

Toxoplasmosis in Cats

Cats become infected with toxoplasmosis by consuming raw or undercooked meat, or by coming into contact with contaminated soil or water. Once infected, cats can shed the parasite in their feces for up to two weeks. During this time, the parasite can be transferred to humans if they come into contact with the feces.

Risk of Infection

The risk of infection is increased if pregnant women come into contact with cats that have access to the outdoors, as they are more likely to have been exposed to toxoplasmosis. It’s also important to note that cats may carry the parasite without showing any signs of illness, so it’s not always possible to tell if a cat has been infected.

Preventing Infection

To reduce the risk of infection, pregnant women should avoid handling cats or cleaning out litter boxes. If possible, another family member should take on these tasks instead. If a pregnant woman must handle a cat or clean out a litter box, she should wear gloves and wash her hands thoroughly afterwards.

How Do Cats Act When a Woman is Pregnant?

Pregnancy can be an exciting time for a woman and her family, but it can also bring changes to the home. This includes changes in how cats act when their owner is pregnant. Cats may become more affectionate or even protective of their owner during this time. They may also become more vocal or active as they adjust to the changes in their environment.

Cats are very sensitive to their owners’ emotions and can sense when something is different. During pregnancy, cats may become more affectionate towards their owners as they try to comfort them. They may also show signs of protectiveness by sleeping near the pregnant woman or following her around the house.

Cats may also become more vocal during pregnancy as they try to communicate with their owners about the changes in the home. They may meow more often or even purr louder than usual. It’s important for owners to respond positively to these vocalizations so that cats don’t feel ignored or neglected.

Cats may also become more active during pregnancy as they explore and adjust to the new environment. They may start playing with toys more often or seeking out places of comfort such as beds and couches. It’s important for owners to provide cats with plenty of stimulation during this time so that they don’t become bored or restless.

Overall, cats can act differently when their owner is pregnant due to the changes in their environment and emotions. It’s important for owners to be aware of these changes and respond positively so that cats feel secure and comfortable during this time.

When a Cat Bites a Pregnant Woman?

Pregnancy is an exciting time for many women, but it can also bring about changes in behavior from their pets. Cats are particularly sensitive to changes in their environment and may become anxious or aggressive when their owners become pregnant. When a cat bites a pregnant woman, it is important to take the necessary precautions to protect both the mother and the baby.

Cat bites can cause serious infections, especially in pregnant women. A cat’s mouth contains bacteria that can cause infection if the bite breaks the skin. Infections can be dangerous for pregnant women and their unborn babies, so it is important to seek medical attention immediately after being bitten by a cat.

It is also important to understand why cats may bite during pregnancy. Cats may become more territorial as they sense changes in their environment, such as the presence of a new baby or increased activity in the home. They may also be stressed by hormonal changes in their owners, which can lead to aggressive behavior.

To prevent cat bites during pregnancy, it is important to provide your cat with plenty of love and attention. Make sure that your cat has its own space where it can feel safe and secure, such as a quiet room or corner of the house away from any activity or noise. It is also important to keep up with regular veterinary visits and make sure your cat receives all necessary vaccinations.

If your cat does bite you during pregnancy, it is important to seek medical attention immediately and take steps to prevent further incidents from occurring. According to Winchester Hospital, it is best not to punish your pet as this could make them more fearful or aggressive towards you or other family members in the future. Instead, focus on providing your cat with extra love and attention while keeping them away from any potential triggers of aggression.

Closing Thoughts

It is important to be aware of the potential risks cats pose to pregnant women. Cats may become aggressive when their owners are pregnant, and it is important for pregnant women to take precautions when interacting with cats. Cats can sense changes in hormones and may behave differently around a pregnant woman. In some cases, cats may even bite or scratch a pregnant woman.

Overall, understanding why cats attack pregnant women is the first step in preventing such incidents from occurring. It is important to recognize that cats can sense changes in hormones and may act differently around a pregnant woman. Additionally, it is important for pregnant women to take extra precautions when interacting with cats, such as avoiding contact with unfamiliar cats or keeping children away from cats who are known to act aggressively.

By following these tips, we can reduce the likelihood of a cat attacking a pregnant woman. Thank you for following along and feel free to share any thoughts and information on why do cats attack pregnant women in the comments below!

Nicholas English

Nicholas English is a professional writer and lifelong pet lover. After completing his Animal Sciences bachelor's degree, Nickolas has worked as a pet sitter, dog walker, and volunteer at animal shelters. He is passionate about helping pet owners provide the best care for their furry friends and is excited to share his knowledge and experiences with the Pet Expert Advice community.

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